Labor is so focused on tearing down the LNP’s boot camp trials it has failed to put in place an alternative youth crime strategy, despite crime rates creeping up under the Palaszczuk Government, Hinchinbrook MP Andrew Cripps said today. Mr Cripps said Minister Assisting the Premier in North Queensland Coralee O’Rourke seemed to be unaware […]
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RSS feed for this sectionPremier’s rep won’t listen to Cairns on lockout
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The Premier’s representative in North Queensland won’t listen to stakeholders from the hospitality and tourism industries in North Queensland about their concerns regarding the Palaszczuk Government’s 1 am lock out and 3 am closure policy for licenced venues. Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps said Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland, Coralee O’Rourke, had brushed aside […]
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