
Yabulu aerial


Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, has accused the Palaszczuk Government of rank hypocrisy over the issue of the ‘backpacker tax’ during a debate in the Queensland Parliament last week. Mr Cripps blasted a motion moved by Labor against the backpacker tax as an ‘opportunistic stunt’, given Labor’s track record of disastrous policies damaging agriculture and tourism. […]

Wallaman Falls - 02.04.14


Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, has condemned the Palaszczuk Government’s changes to lock up Queensland’s National Parks and kick graziers off their land, overturning amendments by the former LNP Government to modernise the Nature Conservation Act. Mr Cripps said Labor’s changes removed enhanced access for the community for recreational purposes and opportunities for eco-tourism projects in […]

Yabulu aerial


Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, has moved to test the restrictions on landowners accessing water resources on Townsville’s Northern Beaches, saying the community could not be denied development opportunities indefinitely, while waiting for the nickel refinery to restart. Mr Cripps today asked the State Development, Natural Resources and Mines Minister, Anthony Lynham, a Question on Notice […]

New LNP Shadow cabinet


Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, has welcomed today’s announcement of a new LNP Shadow Cabinet by Opposition Leader, Tim Nicholls and Deputy Leader, Deb Frecklington, to get Queensland moving. Mr Cripps said he was delighted to be asked by his new Leader and Deputy Leader to continue in his current role in the Shadow Cabinet, as […]

Cape York-map

Cape vegetation management consultation contrived

Labor’s supposed vegetation management consultation deceptive Palaszczuk Labor Government’s aggressive bill to spread indigenous social and economic disadvantage across Cape York Cape York landholders to suffer under ‘flawed’ legislation The LNP has condemned Labor’s vegetation management consultation with Cape York Mayors and indigenous landholders as contrived and disingenuous, designed to try and convince Cook MP […]

Preferential Voting

Katter MPs hand Labor & Greens more power to whip farmers

Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth have handed Labor more ammunition to punish rural Qld at the next electio KAP MPs support of compulsory preferential voting delivers Labor more green preferences and more power to introduce aggressive anti-farmer laws like vegetation management Power has ‘gone to KAPs heads’ and their wheeling and dealing with Labor has […]

Shorten photo

Shorten reveals his hand as friend to Greens, enemy of farmers

Federal Labor attacks Queensland farmers with crazy climate change policy New federal trigger on vegetation clearing attacks farmers and state rights Labor’s ‘carbon tax by stealth’ policy exacerbates uncertainty already created by Palaszczuk Labor Federal Labor Leader, Bill Shorten, has today launched an aggressive attack on Queensland’s agriculture sector, with his ideologically-driven proposal, to impose […]

Royalties for Regions

Regional Queensland short-changed under Labor

Labor short-changes Queensland’s regions on infrastructure North Queensland Minister misleads on regional infrastructure investment Labor’s Building our Regions replacement a $300 million cut to regional infrastructure The LNP has slammed the Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland, Coralee O’Rourke, for misleading Queenslanders on the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s investment in regional Queensland. Shadow State Development […]

Re-growth vegetation (resized)

Sign up to send Labor a Message on Vegetation Management

The LNP Opposition and Queensland’s peak rural industry groups have joined forces to launch a state-wide petition in response to the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill. Launching the petition in Townsville today, Shadow Minister for Natural Resources, Andrew Cripps, said the petition was an opportunity for all Queenslanders to […]

Vegetation management

Time running out to have say on vegetation management

Labor’s proposed vegetation management laws set to inflict pain on agriculture sector Laws will cripple investment in high value agriculture Submissions to committee close 25 April 2016 Time is running out to make a submission to the committee investigating the Labor’s proposed changes to the Vegetation Management Act, that are set to inflict a new […]