

No Labor plan to tackle youth crime in the north

Labor is so focused on tearing down the LNP’s boot camp trials it has failed to put in place an alternative youth crime strategy, despite crime rates creeping up under the Palaszczuk Government, Hinchinbrook MP Andrew Cripps said today. Mr Cripps said Minister Assisting the Premier in North Queensland Coralee O’Rourke seemed to be unaware […]

Minister Lynham

Lynham caught in vegetation management trap

Natural Resources Minister Anthony Lynham has caught himself in a vegetation management trap, stuck between a Labor election commitment to reverse the LNP’s legislative changes and a supposedly ‘unfettered’ stakeholder roundtable process. Shadow Natural Resources Minister Andrew Cripps said questions asked at recent estimates hearings showed Minister Lynham could not explain how he would reconcile […]

Lockout photo

Premier’s rep won’t listen to Cairns on lockout

The Premier’s representative in North Queensland won’t listen to stakeholders from the hospitality and tourism industries in North Queensland about their concerns regarding the Palaszczuk Government’s 1 am lock out and 3 am closure policy for licenced venues. Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps said Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland, Coralee O’Rourke, had brushed aside […]

Noelne Ikin

Cripps Welcomes Ikin Endorsement

Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, has welcomed the announcement that Noeline Ikin will be the LNP candidate for Kennedy at the next federal election. Mr Cripps said Ms Ikin was an excellent candidate that had achieved an impressive result in the vast Kennedy electorate at the last poll in 2013. “As a mum, a small business […]

Flinders & Gilbert 2

Labor makes mess of Gulf Water Plan

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has made a mess of the release of additional volumes of water entitlements from the Gulf Water Resource Plan, while adopting contradictory processes for two major green field irrigation projects in the Flinders and Gilbert River catchments. Shadow Minister for State Development and Natural Resources, Andrew Cripps, drew attention to the […]

Cassowary 1


On Wednesday this week, respected Tully vet, Graham Lauridsen, was forced to euthanase a young adult Cassowary on the Atherton Tablelands, because the Palaszczuk Government has refused to allow the Garners Beach Cassowary Rehabilitation Centre to accept adult birds. Dr Lauridsen’s assessment of the Cassowary prior to it being sedated, was that the bird was […]

Angelina Brazier 25 Years JP(resized)

JP Award for Angelina Brazier

Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, recently presented Cardwell resident, Angelina Brazier, with a certificate from the Government of Queensland in recognition of 25 years of volunteer service to the community as a Justice of the Peace. Mr Cripps said Mrs Brazier had first been appointed in 1983 and had actually served as one of a network […]

Sugar harvesting 1

LNP Seeks Solution To Sugar Marketing Dispute

Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, says the LNP is honouring its election commitment to try and find a fair and reasonable solution to the ongoing dispute between growers and millers concerning the future of sugar marketing arrangements in Queensland. Mr Cripps congratulated Shadow Agriculture Minister, Deb Frecklington – who yesterday released an exposure draft of the […]

Ken Turner 25 Years JP (resized 2)

JP Award for Ken Turner

Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, recently presented Balgal Beach resident, Ken Turner, with a certificate from the Government of Queensland in recognition of 25 years of volunteer service to the community as a Justice of the Peace. Mr Cripps said Mr Turner had first been appointed in 1979 and had actually served as one of a […]

Casowary 3t


 Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, says a petition regarding the Garners Beach Cassowary Rehabilitation Centre will continue, despite an interim funding announcement by the Palaszczuk Government, because important resourcing questions have still not been answered.  Mr Cripps said after consultation with the Principal Petitioner and experienced local vet, Dr Graham Lauridsen, the petition would continue because […]