No Labor plan to tackle youth crime in the north


Labor is so focused on tearing down the LNP’s boot camp trials it has failed to put in place an alternative youth crime strategy, despite crime rates creeping up under the Palaszczuk Government, Hinchinbrook MP Andrew Cripps said today.

Mr Cripps said Minister Assisting the Premier in North Queensland Coralee O’Rourke seemed to be unaware that recent figures released by Police Minister Jo-Ann Miller indicated unlawful entries in the Townsville Police District had increased by about six per cent.

“The Answer to a Question on Notice* tabled on 13 August 2015 shows under Labor, there were 899 unlawful entries in the Townsville Police district between February and July this year, an increase of 62 when compared to the same period last year,” Mr Cripps said.

“In view of this type of crime creeping back up in Townsville under the Palaszczuk Labor Government, I asked Coralee O’Rourke if she had confidence in the Police Minister and what alternative strategy would be put in place following the boot camp trial being dumped.

“Minister O’Rourke seemed unaware of the increase in unlawful entries in Townsville and certainly avoided expressing confidence in the Police Minister by resorting to a prepared statement, as most of her colleagues have done over the last two weeks.

“As the Minister Assisting the Premier in North Queensland, Coralee O’Rourke is responsible for improving service delivery in North Queensland and she needs to outline what alternative strategy Labor has developed to replace the boot camp trials it has torn down.”

Mr Cripps said the Palaszczuk Labor Government had interfered with boot camps set up by the former LNP Government, which were being trialled as an alternative to the ineffective, soft-touch youth justice policies that had failed miserably under previous Labor Governments.


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