Tag Archives: Adani


Labor and Greens team up to slam Adani

    Labor votes down motion condemning party branch for smearing Adani Annastacia Palaszczuk tells Adani one thing, but does another in Parliament Labor-Green alliance remains in full force in Queensland   The Palaszczuk Government has failed to defend the vital jobs and investment set to be created by Adani after voting to support an […]


Labor fiddled Adani tune while North Queensland burned

            The Palaszczuk Government’s much-publicised support for Adani Carmichael Coal Mine exposed as nothing more than a publicity stunt Opposition Question on Notice reveals Coordinator-General hasn’t used powers provided to him to progress Adani’s coal mine, rail infrastructure, or water infrastructure approvals More than 20 approvals secured for Carmichael project but none facilitated by […]

Jackie Trad

Trad-led activists hijack Labor’s mining agenda

  Jackie Trad-led activists hell-bent on killing off New Hope and Adani projects Acland Stage 3 and Carmichael mine projects are at the top of Jackie Trad’s environmental activist hit lists Will once powerful unions stand up to Jackie Trad at this weekend’s State Labor Conference?   Jackie Trad-led activists have replaced traditional unions as […]


LNP backs community call for Labor to end Adani delays

LNP repeats calls for Annastacia Palaszczuk to guarantee no further delays to Adani projec Annastacia Palaszczuk must listen to business and community leaders who say Labor’s groundwater laws will kill vital job-creating projects Labor can’t keep changing the goal posts on advanced projects that have already received state and federal approvals, including the Acland coal […]


Palaszczuk trying to rewrite history on Adani approvals

  Annastacia Palaszczuk says one thing about Adani in Townsville but another in Brisbane Annastacia Palaszczuk’s claims she will ‘stare down the Greens’ is totally laughable The Palaszczuk Labor Government has no interest in ensuring Adani gets off the ground.    The Palaszczuk Labor Government has frustrated and delayed the assessment and approval process for […]

Adani coal


The Palaszczuk Labor Government has finally run out of excuses to delay signing the mining lease for Adani’s Carmichael Mine project in the Galilee Basin, the LNP Opposition said today. Shadow Mines Minister, Andrew Cripps, said the announcement today that the mining lease had been signed would certainly be a bitter-sweet moment for Adani’s Carmichael […]

Adani coal

‘Do nothing’ Minister does nothing with Carmichael project

Two weeks after telling the Queensland Parliament there were no further impediments to him signing the mining lease for Adani’s Carmichael Mine project in the Galilee Basin, Labor’s do nothing Mines Minister has still done nothing, the LNP Opposition said today. Shadow State Development and Mines Minister, Andrew Cripps, condemned the Palaszczuk Government for ‘playing […]

Adani coal

Lynham should immediately sign Adani mining lease

State Development and Mines Minister Anthony Lynham should sign the Mining Lease (ML) for Adani’s Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin immediately to create jobs for north and central Queensland. Shadow State Development and Mines Minister Andrew Cripps said the Environmental Authority (EA) issued to the project yesterday paved the way for the ML to […]