Tag Archives: SLATS

Jackie Trad

Labor’s farmer bashing begins in lead up to state election

Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor resort to farmer bashing to win election Labor again distorts vegetation management figures to paint farmers as environmental vandals SLATS report still deceptively includes drought feeding and clearing for fencelines and fire breaks as ‘broad scale clearing’   The Palaszczuk Labor Government has resorted to the same old farmer-bashing and figure […]

Andrew in Parliament


 Finally, some attention is being payed to the facts about vegetation cover and management activities in Queensland, in particular, the contribution and impact of regrowth and thickening. At last, farmers and landholders have been able to challenge the shock and awe propaganda circulated by green activists about vegetation management rates, after their manipulation and misuse […]


Scaremongering exposed in dishonest Green campaign

  Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) are being manipulated by green groups to trash the reputation of farmers Former LNP Government vegetation management framework was balanced and responsible Right to Information application has revealed green groups were using incorrect figures to exaggerate their claims The dishonest scaremongering of an alliance of green groups has […]