Herbert River at Halifax

The Herbert River Improvement Trust (HRIT) is seeking funds from the Queensland Government to undertake a major project in the Herbert River, at the Halifax Washaway.

Hinchinbrook MP, Andrew Cripps, has submitted the proposal on behalf of the HRIT to the Palaszczuk Government as part of the call for public projects to benefit North Queensland.

Mr Cripps said the HRIT project, estimated at $700,000, would have positive environmental, social and economic outcomes for the Hinchinbrook Shire and the Queensland Government.

“This project is shovel ready – the HRIT has the design work and specifications ready to go to repair flood damaged banks in the Herbert River from several flood events” said Mr Cripps.

“The project would protect existing state owned infrastructure – being the Ingham to Halifax Road at the Halifax Washaway, which was recently reconstructed by Main Roads” he said.

“The project would also prevent further erosion at this site during flood events, reduce sediment movement and improve water quality in the Herbert River and the Great Barrier Reef lagoon”.

“However, at this time, one of the most important things this project would do – if it was funded – is provide some opportunities for local contractors and suppliers in North Queensland”.

Mr Cripps said the proposed HRIT project at the Halifax Washaway would involve rock works, earth works, bank stabilisation and profiling and revegetation at 12 locations.

“This project has merit, not least because Main Roads has completed a $2 million reconstruction of the Ingham to Halifax Road, including the section adjacent to the Halifax Washaway”.

“The project is also supported by CANEGROWERS Herbert River and Wilmar Sugar, because of the impact that flood events have on crops and industry infrastructure in that area”.

“The Premier has called for proposals for public projects that can create some jobs in the wake of redundancies and voluntary administration at the Yabulu Nickel Refinery”.

“Here is a project that is ready to go right now, is being proposed by a statutory authority created by the Queensland Government (HRIT), which will have multiple benefits for the community”.

Mr Cripps said he had written to and provided a copy of the HRIT submission to the Premier and the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, seeking their support for the project.

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